Hi, I’m Diane. I’m a lifelong owner of Labs, Retrievers, a Poodle, Labradoodle, and, more recently, a Goldendoodle. Doodles are an incredible mixed breed.
You’ll find many questions with lots of answers here, to help guide your decision. With this info, you’ll be able to make the right choice for your family to Own A Doodle! Our Goldendoodle “Nala” is a wonderful family pet.
Nala is a Cross between a Purebred Female Golden Retriever and a White Male Standard Poodle. She is very smart, playful, and gentle. Our Daughter named her after Nala from the Movie The Lion King
Nala loves to go for long walks through the forest and loves the beach! Her favorite time of year is Winter. She loves the snow and can stay outside for hours.

In the Summer she hates the heat! She’ll run outside to pee and run right back into the house. She really likes squirrels and will chase them up a tree all day if possible.
Unfortunately, she’s had a few (3) run-ins with a local Skunk! The Skunks live next door apparently and they sometimes come over to eat the seeds under the bird feeder around dusk. You’d think after the first time she’d get the message!!!

We have a cat, Mr. Murphy and they get along very well. They wait for treats by the pantry together and will often be sleeping on the same bed.
Nala and Murphy are wonderful family members. We are very lucky to have them both.

Check out our favorite Toys, Food and Accessories .
Help and support both of these organizations. You can also check out registered breeders on their website.