As a general rule, Goldendoodles do not bark a lot. They are typically a quiet and social dog breed that is not prone to barking a lot. However, sometimes they do resort to excessive barking. This is not a part of their inherent nature and is often a reaction to some aspect of their surroundings.
One of the reasons they would likely be inclined to bark is when they see on-coming strangers. By barking, they intend to alert you.
Because doodles have a lot of energy, they are likely to bark when they feel stressed, lonely, or anxious or simply because they are bored. Yet another reason could be that their lifestyle needs are not being met.
Nevertheless, they are pleasers and bond well with their owners, so you can quickly train your doodle. But, of course, this must commence at an early age and must be given a lot of importance.
Is Your Goldendoodle Barking Too Much?
Expecting the dog not to bark would be unreasonable. After all, barking is how they communicate with the world to convey what they want or feel.
Barking should be taken in stride because it is an instinct, but it’s time to take a more in-depth look and identify the trigger if it exceeds the average threshold.
Barking can mean different things, depending on the situation. Some reasons why your Goldendoodle might be barking non-stop are:
Why Does My Goldendoodles Bark So Much?
Feeling Alarmed or Fearful
A startled bark can happen at home or even when Goldendoodles are away from home. Doodles tend to bark when they see any object or hear a noise that catches their attention or scares them. The sounds that usually trigger this reaction are sirens, thunderstorms, fireworks, or loud noises—our Doodle howls when a Firetruck goes by the house.
Being Protective or Territorial
By nature, dogs regard certain areas as their home or territory. Therefore, when people or animals invade their territory, they view it as a threat, and their first instinct is to bark. This kind of bark can be identified through its alert and aggressive undertones.
Goldendoodles begin showing signs of territorial aggression between 1 and 4 years when their confidence soars. Then, as they feel capable of protecting themselves, their pack, and their area, they begin to assert themselves most typically by barking loudly towards perceived threats.

Out of Loneliness or Boredom
Doodles are generally gregarious and don’t enjoy being left alone, especially over extended durations. Finding themselves alone with the family showing no signs of returning, they begin to bark and express their unhappiness.
They intend to convey to whoever cares to listen that they are bored and sad about being left behind. In such situations, barking is an effort by the groodle to try to reach out and “chat” with anyone within hearing distance to ease their boredom and loneliness.
Being highly intelligent, Goldendoodles requires mental stimulation to avoid boredom and becoming destructive. So if the reason for your groodle barking is because he is bored or feeling abandoned, be prepared that “acting out” behavior is soon to follow.
Way of Seeking Attention
Goldendoodles love the attention to the point that when they do not get some, they bark. Attention-seeking whining may occur if you are engaged in some activity that does not involve your dog.
Like talking to your Mom on FaceTime or spring cleaning the garage or long-forgotten cupboards, it may also happen when your groodle becomes jealous of the time you might be spending with another person or pet.
These barks may not be as loud or offending, but they can be persistent enough to cause you to pause and shift your attention to the groodle.
Due to Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety manifests when a groodle that is overly attached to its owner gets super-stressed when left alone. It is more than a whine and just short of a shout and is used when you leave or have caught a bit of mischief on having returned.
Goldendoodles that suffer from separation anxiety bark every time they are separated from the owner. This kind of barking sounds more like howling and is persistent. Also, it doesn’t seem to be triggered by anything except the fear of being left alone.
Every time your groodle feels overwhelmed with excitement, it would jump around and bark loudly. Goldendoodles that feel restless might be unable to settle and keep panting and launch on a barking spree.
Alongside barking, they may also become grabby, or mouthy, may chatter their teeth, or you may notice full-body shaking.
Compulsive Behavior
Because Goldendoodles experience the same emotions as us – not just happiness but also depression and anxiety – there is a chance of this behavioral condition.
When the pet is exposed to chronic stress or recurring conflict situations, this leads to excessive licking, barking, and going around in circles.
Unable to communicate their symptoms, Goldendoodles express their emotional discomfort through unusual behaviors. Compulsive behavior pattern is often an animal’s way of coping with a stressful or traumatic situation.
That being said, there may be a genetic predisposition to compulsive behaviors too. Even a routine can seem like a burden when anxiety strikes, causing excessive scratching, barking, or eating.
If this is the case, a visit to the vet should be your next step, as it could prove injurious.

How Can I Stop My Goldendoodle From Barking?
It takes unlimited patience to teach your groodle not to bark. But it can be done, provided you give your dog plenty of attention and remain consistent in your approach.
At the time of constant barking, you must feign ignorance despite being most challenging to do so. On the first opportunity you get, reward the silence.
Try guessing what might be pushing your groodle to bark its head off. Then take adequate steps to either rectify the situation or address the core issue. Also, try diverting your doodle with a toy or game.
How to help your Golden Doodle quieten down –
- Socializing around as many people, places, and things from a very young age so that she feels comfortable when he encounters similar situations in the future;
- Feigning ignorance of his barking because, in most cases, the intention is to draw attention;
- Rewarding/praising the doodle only when he stops barking;
- Eliminating certain situations that cause non-stop barking, like interjecting long hours of alone-time through short visits during lunch break or neighbors;
- Trying to get him to like cats, especially early on, to cultivate a companionship;
- Correcting the problem at the first unnecessary bark itself with a firm voice;
Avoid the following while handling the excessive barking –
- Rewarding any barking behavior by giving attention or by dishing out treats in the hope that it would stop;
- Punishing barking as this can increase anxiety or may inadvertently serve as a remedy;
- Teaching your groodle that barking could be the way to getting away with indiscipline;
- Letting your groodle realize that barking could be a useful blackmailing tool for seeking attention;
- Being unduly harsh;
- Locking the groodle in its crate, as it would only serve to aggravate the problem;
Convincing Your Goldendoodle Not to Bark Too Much
Do realize that if anyone can convince Goldendoodles not to bark excessively, it is the owner. So if you happen to be facing this issue, then try the following methods to convince your beloved groodle not to bark too much –
- Teach the’ ‘quiet’ command so that you can stop your doodle from barking whenever you are home or in other familiar situations;
- Conduct training in quieter areas so that your Doodle does not get distracted;
- During training, do not leave your dog alone in cases where it might feel compelled to bark;
- Identify the stimulus that triggers anxiety-induced barking and gradually desensitize your doodle;
- Be consistent so as not to confuse your doodle, so that it grasps the ethic of too much barking being unacceptable;
- Gradually get your groodle to get accustomed to strangers if that is the issue;
- Ensure sufficient physical and mental exercise every day;
If everything else fails, as we did with our Doodle, we bought a vibrating bark collar. There are a few different models, some more efficient and aren’t designed to give your dog shock-like older models.
They only increase vibrations until the groodle realizes what’s going on and is distracted from its barking. As a last resort, consider reaching out to a certified professional dog trainer for help to check if it makes a difference.
Final Words
Goldendoodles are in demand owing to being fluffy, hypoallergenic, and intelligent. However, potential owners need to realize that barking is also a part of the package and should not be taken lightly.
As annoying as excessive barking could be to not only your neighbor but you and your family, too, realize that your groodle is trying to get the point across. They usually don’t bark without reason. But with different triggers, they may bark often.
Goldendoodles are easy to train and are regarded as smart on a brighter note, which implies excessive barking should be easy to deal with and overcome.
The first step to fixing any situation is to try and understand what your groodle is trying to convey. Then train it to overcome its problems so that it is a joy to everyone and a source of pride to you in particular.
Remember that happy and content Goldendoodles seldom bark. The most significant factor in your pet’s overall happiness, adjustability, and sociability is the relationship they can form with you.