How Big Do Aussiedoodles Get?
Aussiedoodles’ size depends on a variety of factors. Some can be big, while others turn out to be small courtesy of the inherited genes. This is mainly because Aussiedoodles are a mixed breed. The size of a dog also has a lot to do with its diet. When they are fed on too fatty foods, they grow big and become obese. If underfed, they lose weight and are relatively smaller because they are malnourished.
Aussiedoodles can be big or small. If you are looking for one, it is natural to wonder how small or big they will eventually be. Size is an essential factor to consider when shopping for a pet, more so if it is a dog.
You don’t want to get a huge one when all you have is a tiny space that cannot allow too much movement.
Aussiedoodles are a hybrid of the Australian shepherd and the Poodle. These are good apartment dogs, are friendly, and very loyal. They are also very playful, and your kids would quickly get along with them.
How Big Is An Australian Shepherd?
An Australian Shepherd is considered to be a medium-sized dog. Its weight ranges from 35 to 70 pounds. From the looks, it appears longer and probably not as tall. The height ranges from 18 to 23 inches. Male Australian Shepherds are bigger compared to the feminine members of the species.
How Big Does A Poodle Get?
Poodles come in various sizes, and wherein there is a standard poodle, a miniature poodle, and a toy poodle. The biggest of the three is the standard Poodle, wherein its height ranges from 15 to 22 inches.
It weighs about 45 pounds, but can also go up to 70. A miniature poodle has a height of between 11 and 15 inches, while its weight starts from 15 pounds and can go up to 17.
The smallest Poodle referred to as the toy owing to its size, is only 10 inches in height and is lightweight at 6 to 9 pounds maximum.

What About Aussiedoodles?
The size of Aussiedoodles is somewhere between their original parents, which is the Australian Shepherd and Poodle. When it comes to size, a lot depends on the dominant gene. To this effect, Aussiedoodles can be broadly classified into three categories, namely;
Toy Aussiedoodle
True to its name toy, it is the smallest Aussiedoodle and is more popular with people who live in small apartments or confined spaces. Toy Aussiedoodles are a product of a toy poodle and a mini Australian Shepherd.
The height is approximately 15 inches, and the heaviest it can weigh is 20 pounds, the minimum being 15 pounds. This breed is loved by many because it is small and easy to carry around.
The drawback is that it is prone to more health issues than its bigger counterparts.
Mini Aussiedoodle
A mini Aussiedoodle is slightly bigger than a toy Aussiedoodle. It is the offspring of a mini poodle and a mini Australian shepherd. These Aussiedoodles are about 18 inches tall with a weight that ranges from 20 to 30 pounds. This breed is more popular with people living in apartments.
Standard Aussiedoodle
If big dogs make your heart skip, then a standard Aussiedoodle is what you need. However, given their size and energy levels, you will need to have enough space.
A good backyard will be a plus. A standard Aussiedoodle height ranges from 20 to 22 inches, and they weigh over 30 pounds. This variant of Aussiedoodles is very active and needs to have a lot of routine exercises.
Breeding vis-a-vis The Size Of Aussiedoodles
The size of Aussiedoodles can also vary depending on how breeding is done. Even dogs bred from the same categories can be of different sizes depending on the dominant genes.
With multi-generation breeding, one never knows what the end product would look like.
Size Differences Resulting From Height
The height of the parents also has a direct bearing on the size of a doodle. For instance, if the breed is between a toy poodle and a mini Australian shepherd, the outcome in height may be an average of the two.
Likewise, it is just as possible that the doodle’s size may drift towards either a toy poodle or a mini Australian shepherd.
Nutrition and The Growth Of Aussiedoodles
Aussiedoodles are considered to be fully developed after eight months. However, some categories like the standard Aussiedoodles may continue to grow till they are 12 months old.
From the moment the puppy is birthed through to the 12th month, good nutrition is essential for the doodle to maintain good health.
It is also important to note that even after a doodle has fully developed, it can still gain or shed weight. Therefore, to avoid health issues related to obesity, the dog needs to exercise.
As a dog caregiver, you can organize and take it for walks and play or make arrangements if busy.
Dogs don’t just eat to be full. Good nutrition is essential. A balanced meal that contains a fair amount of minerals and proteins is a must for optimum growth.
How Much Food Should Aussiedoodles Be Served?
The amount of food given to Aussiedoodles depends on the categories they fall into. Smaller dogs will be given less food compared to those that are grouped with larger dogs.
The amount of food given also increases as the puppies grow. When they are younger, they are given smaller portions, but frequently this is adjusted as they continue to grow.
Ascertaining the amount of food to give your doodle can be a daunting task for a layperson. It is because of this reason that you should always consult with a good veterinarian.
Different dogs have different weight ranges, and by consulting a specialist, you will be able to determine the right weight range for your
Aussiedoodle. You will also be able to know if it is underweight, healthy, or obese.
On average, a puppy aged between 2 to 4 months needs to be given at least four meals a day. At 4 to 6 months, the meals are reduced to 3 per day. This goes on, and at 6 to 8 months or beyond, the meals come down to 2 in a day.
Diet Options For Aussiedoodles
Being a puppy guardian can be confusing when it comes to choosing the best food. One time, a brand of food may come across as being the best, and the next you hear, it is in the news for all the wrong reasons.
Researchers claim that it could be dangerous for containing high levels of copper. Despite all these controversies, there is still lots of great food in the market.
It is important to note that your doodle has to be fed on a properly balanced diet for it to be healthy. Dog food brands vary in terms of nutritional value – while some will be higher in one type of mineral, other would-be protein-rich.
To ensure that the dog gets required, you need to give different kinds of foods interchangeably. Rotating your dog’s food is the only way you will ensure it gets all the nutrients needed.
Diseases that Affect The Growth And Size Of Aussiedoodles
Just like any other breed of dogs, Aussiedoodles suffer from health issues. Some of these health issues are related to the Australian shepherd and Poodle, which means they are inherited. These genetic disorders include:
Crushing’s Disease – This is common in middle-aged dogs. They produce excess cortisol (stress hormone), leading to weight gain, increased appetite and hair loss, and shorter and balder Aussiedoodles.
Epilepsy – Usually, it happens in dogs that have reached six months. It usually is seen as convulsions or loss of consciousness and may affect the dog’s activity cycle and physical growth.
As long as it does not occur frequently, the Aussiedoodle can live everyday life without medication.
Hip Dysplasia – Hip dysplasia is an inherited disorder, and it causes lameness of the hind limb. Dogs with this disorder should not be used when breeding because the pups are likely to develop this problem and are smaller in size than usual.
Pancreatitis – Pancreatitis affects the pancreas and leads to vomiting and abdominal pains. It is widespread with dogs that are overweight. It usually is triggered by consuming fatty foods. Other medications may also trigger it, and it implies a shorter and stockier Aussiedoodle due to less physical activity.
Final Word
Aussiedoodles come in different sizes from the toy, which is the tinniest to mini and standard. One’s choice of which size to keep will always depend on the amount of space available.
Smaller areas are fit for toy Aussiedoodles, while bigger spaces with backyards are best for the standard variety.
Because of cross-generation breeding, it is not possible to determine the end product’s sizes from beforehand. They can be small or big, depending on the most active gene.
For instance, when you breed a mini Australian shepherd and a mini poodle, the offspring’s size may deviate from either of the two.
In addition to inherited genes, Aussiedoodles sizes can also depend on the diet. They must be fed on a highly nutritious meal for optimum growth¸whatever it might be.